Wallpaper XChange 0.3 is great software for wallpapers managing. It allows creating of a single system for wallpapers storing. A very useful feature of this software is an optional caching system for fast loading of directories. The program works only with copies of pictures that allow keeping source pictures untouched. Wallpaper XChange 0.3 supports BMP, GIF, JPG and PNG graphical formats. The most important part of the program’s main window is the all pictures list. It includes all wallpapers that you have and can be organized in two ways. The first one is a range of thumbnails. Each thumbnail is a smaller copy of the wallpaper with its name and resolution. The thumbnails can be arranged by size, name or resolution for more convenient browsing. Also you can change their size using special bar. The second way for organizing the pictures’ list is a set of rows. Each row matches wallpaper and includes detailed information about it. Using Wallpaper XChange 0.3 you can easily look trough your collection of wallpapers, pick one you like and set it as the desktop background by several mouse clicks.